We have all seen those older, rich men with beautiful, younger wives. We even have a variety of labels for these individuals: sugar daddy, trophy wife, gold digger, etc. These couples have been no stranger throughout time, and it is not limited to just the rich male population; a younger woman may also be seen dating or married to an older man of less financial means. If you take the point of view of evolution, this makes sense: a man is still capable of his reproductive abilities during his old age (although it does slow down with time), whereas a woman’s ‘fertile age’ begins in the teens and ends around the age of 50 (Reyes 2010 p.35). Recently, however, a different trend has come about: an older woman, around her 40’s or 50’s, hooks up with, dates, or even marries a younger man in his 20’s or 30’s. These women have been labeled cougars; the younger males have been labeled as cubs.
The cougar population is growing rapidly. It is not uncommon to turn on the television and see images of older women with younger men: Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher, Sex and the City’s Samantha Jones, and other shows like Cougar Town and The Cougar. However, despite the increasing cougar population, there is also a large population that objects to this scenario. The arguments held by this population include that this is unnatural evolutionarily speaking and the man can do so much better (et al. p.35). What they mean is that a man with a younger woman is acceptable because they are still able to reproduce; however, a woman who has lost the ability to reproduce should not take a man out of the potential gene pool. In addition, they argue that as women age, their ‘beauty’ grows less and less compared to their younger options. But let’s get real here. In this day and age, partnership is not always about reproduction; in the case of cougars, it is about the sex! According to researchers from the University of Texas, women at this age are losing their fertility; in response to this loss, their sex drive increases dramatically before their fertility completely disappears (et al. p.35). So naturally, it makes sense to look for a younger, healthier partner whose sex drive matches her own. Now, this is not a universal reason either; some women are looking for a younger man for emotional connections. It is no secret that love is not always ‘eternal’. Cougars have claimed that younger men carry “…less emotional baggage, tries harder at romance, and exhibits refreshingly equitable views on gender roles” (et al. p.35). And in response to the claim that ‘men can do better’, I say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Beauty may be physical attractiveness, and an older woman has not lost beauty, but is beautiful in a different form; beauty may also be personality and other traits that have nothing to do with physical appearance.
What About the Cubs?
So what does a cub get out of dating a cougar that he does not get from dating a woman his own age? Some men claim that older woman are experienced at life in general, and because of their experience, they are mature. It seems plausible: why go for a woman with issues and insecurities that she is still trying to figure out when you can skip all of that and still have the same (if not more) amount of sex? In addition, older women hold a promise of financial stability. But not everyone has the same reason for being in a relationship, so just ask these men why they prefer older women and get their input!
Reyes, M. (2010). [FIELD GUIDE TO THE... ] Cougar. Psychology Today, 43(6), 34-35. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.